Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Okay, not doing a stellar job of keeping up the ol' blog

I have been putting off adding to my blog as if it were homework someone assigned to me, but that's more or less true of everything I want to do other than work or do dishes: see friends, get organized, spend meaningful time with my spouse...

This last month and a half or so has pretty much been a fiasco. I took on an online teaching position, which is a blessing in that it is consistent, but it greatly added to my workload, especially starting out, as I have had a fairly steep learning curve. I was also trying to finish up editing a (good) book manuscript written by a lady in Idaho, and juggling all of my tasks seems to have been more than my social life and sanity can bear.

However, I am done with my editing project, and I think this second school module will be easier, now that I (sort of) know what I am doing, so now I need to start remembering how to live again. And gosh darn it, I am going to do a better job of posting to my blog!! Now, your job is to hold me to it.

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